Wednesday, January 9, 2008

From a Voter's Perspective, Not a Fight, But A Feast

What we have is not a fight between two great candidates (except for between each campaign because there can be only one president) but an embarrassment of riches. Democrats and Independents are enjoying one of the most rich fields of presidential candidates in more than a generation: two great Dems, each of whom deserves my vote.

I will vote for Hillary in the primary because she is the stronger, more knowledgeable candidate. But, I will be a very enthusiastic supporter of Barak Obama if he is nominated.

My hope is that either one, as president, will take a page from Lincoln's presidency and as so brilliantly described in Doris Kearns Goodwin's Team of Rivals, appoint her opponents to her cabinet: Obama as Vice President with a huge portfolio (a la Gore); Edwards at Justice; Dodd at Treasury; Biden at State; Richardson at Defense; Kucinich at Labor and HUD; McCain at United Nations; Giuliani at Homeland Security.

O happy day!